Description of the CULR-system

CULR (Core User Library Registry) receives local user identifiers from affiliated data providers (eg. libraries) and assigns a global user id (GUID) for each unique user. Access to digital content products for library users depends on the user’s library affiliation. A service (eg. a local or national library service) who wants to give users access to digital content products, can obtain information from CULR, and then offer the users access to relevant content products as the user’s library- or municipality-affiliation warrants.


Version Endpoint Environment Start of life End of life WSDL
1.7 production 20230911
1.7 staging


For correct behaviour with CICEROUID only use CULR 1.7


Version 1.5: Adds the method hasCulrAccount.

Version 1.6: Adds the new UID type CICEROUID

Version 1.7: Adds the new UID type SYSTEMUID

The CICEROUID and SYSTEMUID uid is used in conjunction with the local type and behaves the same way as CPR with local type users. CICEROUID and SYSTEMUID uid type have persistent GUIDs.

The CICEROUID change also changes the API of the webservice. The following operations is affected.

getAccountsByGlobalId createAccount

Both operations now accepts a globalUID complex type, and the uidType of the globalUID has been expanded to accept CICEROUID and SYSTEMUID as well as CPR. All other operations should remain as before.

System Architecture

CULR consists of three components:

A web service that handles the connection between the affiliated institutions, services and the CULR-system.

A database which stores the submitted data from the affiliated institutions which are data providers


A Service uses CULR to obtain user information: Potential services could for instance be end user access components or common digital library content resources. Services have read only-rights and cannot add, delete, or modify data.

A Provider is a provider of data to CULR, ie. an institution (such as a library) that have user accounts attached. It may be a public library, an educational library or a research library. Brokers can act on behalf of one or more providers. Providers are allowed to create, delete, or modify data.

An Account contains information about a user’s registration with a given provider. Account information consists of userIdType (CPR, LOCAL, or UNILOGIN) and userIdValue. The combination of agencyId and userIdValue must be unique, so that a specific user is clearly identifiable within a given provider’s user registrations. It is possible for a user to have multiple accounts at given agency.

Patron covers all the user identifiers of a person, a company, or another entity. The patron is used internally by CULR to link accounts across providers. A patron always has at least one account associated and an account will always be linked to a patron. When a new account is created, it will be linked to any existing accounts for the same user, if the user’s CPR is included in the createAccountRequests and it matches an existing patron. The user’s municipality affiliation is a part of the patron information. A patron can have zero or one municipality affiliations.


Use of the CULR web service requires a DanBib license from DBC (Netpunkt access). Credentials must be stated in any request for the service.

Web service operations

There are two categories of operations in the CULR web service.

The first category is intended for services and consists of two operations: getAccountsByGlobalId and getAccountsByLocalId.

The second is intended for providers and consists of the following operations: createAccount, deleteAccount, updateAccount, mergePatrons, and getAccountFromProvider.


Based on the account given in getAccountsByGlobadIdRequest, the associated patron is localised. All accounts aswell as the GUID associated to the patron is returned in getAccountsByGlobalIdResponse. userIdType in the getAccountsByGlobalIdRequest must be CPR.


This operation looks op a user based on userIdValue and agencyId. This operation is designed for cases where userIdType is locally defined or unknown. Output is the same as getAccountsByGlobalId.


If the account does not exist, an account aswell as a GUID is created. If an account is created with a userIdType different from CPR, an additional globalUID (consisting of uidValue and uidType) should be included if the information is available for the user. If a patron with the same useridValue and userIdType (or globalUID if set) already exists, the account will be linked to the existing patron. Otherwise a new patron and GUID are created with the values from userIdValue and userIdType (if userIdType is CPR) or globalUid if any of these are present, and optionally municipalityNo if set.


Deletes the account and checks if there are other accounts associated with the patron. If not the patron is deleted. If there are other accounts associated with the patron, the patron is not changed. This implies that a patrons municipality affiliation is not necessarily deleted even if the users account at a given agency is deleted from CULR.


Find the requested account and the associated patron and set municipality number for the patron. If municipalityNo is empty, the patrons municipality affiliation is deleted.


Takes two accounts as input: accountToMergeWith and accountToBeMerged. accountToMergeWith must have userIdType CPR, and accountToBeMerged must have userIdType LOCAL or UNILOGIN. If merge is a success, accountToBeMerged will now be linked to the patron which accountToMergeWith is linked to. This implies that if the patron which accountToBeMerged was linked to before merge contains a CPR or municipalityNo, the account is no longer linked to this.


Retrieve the requested account and GUID, but not the related accounts.


Delete all accounts from a specific agency.


New in 1.5. Takes a GUID as input and return true if there is an active Patron with that GUID in CULR otherwise false.